full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Nina G. Jablonski: Why do we have hair in such random places?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The final type of notable human hair is the vellus hair that cerovs our bodies. We don't know if these hairs svree any purpose themselves, but the follicles vellus hair grows from are essential banks of stem cells that repair damaged skin after inrujy. They’re also important sites of nvere endings that convey signals of gentle tucoh to the brain. In fact, although it’s much finer, hmuans have roughly the same density of body hair as apes of comparable sizes. So despite all this talk of hmuan nakedness, we're not actually as hairless as we look.

Open Cloze

The final type of notable human hair is the vellus hair that ______ our bodies. We don't know if these hairs _____ any purpose themselves, but the follicles vellus hair grows from are essential banks of stem cells that repair damaged skin after ______. They’re also important sites of _____ endings that convey signals of gentle _____ to the brain. In fact, although it’s much finer, ______ have roughly the same density of body hair as apes of comparable sizes. So despite all this talk of _____ nakedness, we're not actually as hairless as we look.


  1. humans
  2. covers
  3. injury
  4. human
  5. serve
  6. touch
  7. nerve

Original Text

The final type of notable human hair is the vellus hair that covers our bodies. We don't know if these hairs serve any purpose themselves, but the follicles vellus hair grows from are essential banks of stem cells that repair damaged skin after injury. They’re also important sites of nerve endings that convey signals of gentle touch to the brain. In fact, although it’s much finer, humans have roughly the same density of body hair as apes of comparable sizes. So despite all this talk of human nakedness, we're not actually as hairless as we look.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
human hair 2
hair grows 2
early humans 2
vellus hair 2

Important Words

  1. apes
  2. banks
  3. bodies
  4. body
  5. brain
  6. cells
  7. comparable
  8. convey
  9. covers
  10. damaged
  11. density
  12. endings
  13. essential
  14. fact
  15. final
  16. finer
  17. follicles
  18. gentle
  19. grows
  20. hair
  21. hairless
  22. hairs
  23. human
  24. humans
  25. important
  26. injury
  27. nakedness
  28. nerve
  29. notable
  30. purpose
  31. repair
  32. roughly
  33. serve
  34. signals
  35. sites
  36. sizes
  37. skin
  38. stem
  39. talk
  40. touch
  41. type
  42. vellus